Beneath the Surface, a collection by Ascribe

Published Works

Beneath the Surface, a collection by Ascribe

The Ascribe writers is a group of supportive, caring and unique people who come together monthly to share and grow on this journey to becoming published novelists.

Some members are well published, while others are aspiring to have their words in print. To further our goals of becoming published and to wet our appetites to all that’s involved with completing a writing project, specifically; meeting deadlines, editing, re-writing and finally reading aloud at a book launch, the group embarked on the adventure of putting together a manuscript of connected short stories.

The collection was accepted for publication by the Gingerpress in OwenSound. The forward is by Andrew Armitage.

All the stories are tied together by location, each adventure anchored in some way to the Grey-Bruce region.

Donna Curtin has two stories within this collection; first, A Little Psycho, highlights the healing a precious pet can provide to a family devastated by the Walkerton Water Tragedy and her second story, Nova’s Procession, documents the unusual funeral procession for an old husky after her unexpected passing.

Copies are available through the publisher, the Gingerpress, in OwenSound.



Published Works


Living with animals enriches our lives, but sometimes, we share diseases with our fury friends and they can give back in the same way to us.

Sick! Curious Tails of Pest and Parasites We Share with Animals is a collection of stories told to enlighten the reader to the times when being close to an animal may very well endanger your life.

Available on amazon.